When people leave rehab, they also move farther away from the structure and closer to their triggers. Apart from solid systems for structure, support, and accountability, our recovery homes offer facilities that let you rediscover your passion or find a new hobby to help you eventually curb cravings and block out triggers. Read on to discover further information about our halfway houses in Phoenix, AZ, and how they can assist you in your journey toward recovery.

The Oasis (Men’s Home)

Serenity Ranch (Women’s Home)

Papago Springs (Men’s Home)

Cypress Retreat (Women’s Home)

Camelback Recovery,  the leading mental health and addiction treatment center, provides a variety of sober living halfway homes in Phoenix, Arizona area

Each recovery home location maintains a professionally designed setting equipped with warm décor and amenities to make any guest feel comfortable without compromising privacy or personal space. With our sober living home for women & men, we make it a priority to provide both equal and abundant opportunities to recover for the entire community of recovering individuals. This is why each home is conveniently located in close proximity to numerous recovery centers, educational facilities, fitness clubs, fine dining, and more.

With our transitional housing in Phoenix, there are a plethora of adventurous activities to explore as well. For individuals who would like to explore the wilderness, Phoenix has hiking trails that offer breathtaking views of the mountains and desert landscapes. Additionally, there are several parks and recreational areas that provide opportunities for camping, biking, and horseback riding. If you prefer to stay indoors, Phoenix has a vibrant arts and culture scene, with museums, galleries, and theaters showcasing a range of exhibits and performances. At our Sober Living facility, we encourage our residents to explore all that Phoenix has to offer, as we believe that engaging in enjoyable activities can enhance the recovery process and promote a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.

We are proud to have sober living apartments and homes located in Phoenix and we know our sober living community will benefit from the convenience of being located near so many activities and recovery-aiding places.


We can help you achieve permanent sobriety that gives you your life back. Call to learn more about our therapy options in Phoenix, AZ.

The Camelback Difference

Camelback Recovery provides a wide variety of services under the umbrella of sober living, halfway housing, and recovery coaching. Everything we offer has been specifically selected to contribute towards your recovery journey and long-term sobriety.

Services Camelback Recovery Other Sober Living
Internet/WiFi check check
Private Rooms Available check check
Full-Time W2 Housing Staff check check
Recovery Resources and Meeting Lists check no
Meals Prepared & Provided check no
12-Step Based check check
Random Drug Testing Two Times Per Week check check
Random Breathalyzer Two Times Per Week check check
Weekly House Meetings check check
Computer and Printer for Residents Use check no
Netflix and YouTube Live TV check no
MAT Friendly check no

The Five Pillars of Our Integration Process

We strongly believe in the importance of each pillar in successful recovery and believe that our system can work for any client who wants to recover, and is willing to go to any lengths to get it. When a client is open and willing to take direction and follow suggestions, they can achieve long-term lifestyle changes that lead to stability and happiness in recovery.


Before moving into Camelback’s sober living homes, each client receives a set of simple community guidelines that encourage the development of responsible behaviors and promote healthy, harmonious living. Coming from active addiction, many of our clients are practicing dysfunctional behaviors that aren’t manageable or healthy. Living under our guidelines helps clients practice self-reflection and personal development that reduce friction and distractions that can be harmful to their chances for recovery. Our sober living staff holds clients accountable for following our guidelines, as well as modeling a healthy and appropriate way to follow them.


Three men living together concept image for sober living in Phoenix.



The opposite of addiction is connection. That’s why the community is one of the Five Pillars of the Integration Process at Camelback Recovery.

One of the ways our Integration Process incorporates community is through food! We buy and provide all groceries for you and there are a number of reasons as to why we do this. First, it’s not possible to shop cost-effectively if you are grocery shopping for a single person. Also, to shop for healthy, high-quality, organic food for one person would be outrageously expensive. Second, our house managers take pride in preparing gourmet family-style dinners for the residents 5 nights a week to furthermore provide an opportunity to dine together in the community. We specify that these dinners are family-style because healthy families are the ultimate community, which is something we want to facilitate in our homes. As they say, families that eat and pray together are families that stay together. On top of prepared dinners, residents have the opportunity to cook and eat breakfast and lunch together if they desire. This isn’t a requirement, but it is encouraged to build a healthy community environment in the home.

Separate from food, we also have professionally decorated homes. Our homes feel like home. They have artwork and accessories like a nice home, and the energy of a nice home, and they are a home that people want to be at. The way they are decorated provides a comfortable and clean setting which helps support the community aspect of our homes.

Finally, because we require a three-month commitment from all of our clients, we’re not a revolving door, so we attract residents that are serious about their recovery. We are a stable environment that people can call home. When a client moves in, the people that they move in with are going to be there with them for a while, that’s their community and those are their people. The goal is for a person to stay connected to a recovery community for as long as possible. Staying in sober living for a year is not uncommon and not a bad idea. It helps if the home and the community are comfortable. 66% of people that stay sober for a year stay sober for 5 years. 85% of people that stay sober for 5 years stay sober for life. This community is what they did not have prior to going into treatment.


When first coming to our sober living homes, many clients report feeling ungrounded and confused about the direction of their lives. In our transitional housing, clients start to feel more stable due to the daily structure that encourages the development of healthy habits, and takes some of the guesswork and struggle out of daily living. Our aim is to reduce as much stress as possible and provide clients with the ability to focus on their recovery and healing. While living in our structured sober living homes, clients learn to balance active responsibilities such as outpatient treatment, doctor appointments, and family visits, all within the structure of a harmonious community.


We strive to provide personalized support that is designed to help each client through all aspects of the recovery continuum. Our wide array of recovery support services are tailored to each client’s unique recovery goals and are aimed at building healthy behaviors and habits that foster long-term sobriety.


Life without purpose is not a life worth living. Everyone has a purpose no matter if they feel that way or not. That’s why purpose is one of our Five Pillars. The list for how purpose is integrated is short but its implications are huge. Here is how purpose is a part of our sober living program. For instance, We require people to live life with intention with at least 32 hours a week of school, work, IOP, volunteering or doing something productive with their day. Furthermore, sitting around the home and playing video games is not tolerated. That doesn’t happen at our homes because that’s not healthy, and it doesn’t drive purpose.

Frequently Asked Questions

The main difference between a recovery home and a sober living environment is the level of care and support. A sober living environment is a home that is occupied by other alcoholics and addicts in recovery, and who are there as support and companionship, just as you are to them. Sober living environments have general guidelines, but usually don’t provide all-inclusive services beyond providing a safe and sober living situation.

A recovery home is more structured and offers a higher level of care than a sober living environment. These extra services may include simple, yet strict, guidelines that promote harmonious communal living, mental health support, life skills coaching, sober companions and transport, and crisis intervention if necessary. The main goal of a recovery home is to take the worries of daily minutia off the shoulders of clients so that they can focus on healing and recovery. However, clients are expected to follow guidelines and put in the necessary work to make long-term recovery possible.

Great question. Most of the people who stay with us are individuals who have completed a residential program for alcohol or substance abuse disorder. Some come straight out of a 5-day detox without doing any long-term treatment. Some choose our recovery home because they are in an intensive outpatient program for mental health, trauma or other addictions unrelated to alcohol or drug use.

All of our clients are the same in that they want to live in a safe, supportive community of like-minded people, be abstinent from alcohol and all mind-altering substances, work a 12-step program and transform their lives.

If you have found yourself in a relapse, the most important thing to do is refrain from harsh self-judgment or self-pity and don’t isolate yourself. A relapse does not have to mean that, with proper support, you can’t pick yourself back up and continue where you left off in the recovery process. Hopefully, you began building a social network in sobriety and now is the time to utilize it. Don’t think you have to do this alone. Call a sober friend or a loved one that you trust and find a safe way to get to a meeting. Don’t wallow in it. See it as an opportunity for growth and take action.

There are several ways to establish strength and knowledge in sobriety that will protect you from relapse, and even help you if a relapse happens.

Sober Network
It is vitally important to have sober people in your life that care for you, know your story, and understand your struggles and joys. You can build a strong sober network through 12-step meetings and step work with a sponsor.

Don’t Isolate
When you feel negative emotions such as fear, self-doubt, or self-pity creeping in, the best way to deal with them is to address them with someone who is strong in their recovery and can guide you to take the next right step. The same goes for the times when you are feeling well in sobriety. Share those moments, too, because the same people who help you through hardships, will also join you in celebrating your progress.

Healthy Balance
Develop healthy habits such as self-care, prayer and meditation, and healing hobbies that create balance in your life and make the chance of being overstressed to the point of relapse less likely. Learn to avoid being hard on yourself when you make mistakes and grow from them instead. Find time every day to be in silence and clear your head of distractions and do something regularly that causes you to feel productive or creative.

Higher Power

This idea is hard to swallow for many recovering alcoholics and addicts but remember that your higher power is a force of your own understanding, and you just have to be willing to grow a relationship with something that is greater than yourself, even if it is simply the fellowship of a 12-step group.

Sober living homes vary, not only in their services but in their culture. Not just any sober housing will meet your individual needs for support and the establishment of healthy goals for your recovery. Thoroughly consider what you believe to be specific services that you need and what type of environment you think will foster your self-confidence and increase your chances for recovery until you move out of sober living. Then, propose these guidelines to different sober living facilities, so that you can talk with professionals to determine if their services are right for you. Be confident in your visions of what will work but be open to the myriad of services that are available from different sober living situations.

The number one thing to remember when you believe that a loved one may be an alcoholic or drug addict is that you can’t magically save them. Unless your loved one is in immediate need of medical attention, it is not advised to approach them without seeking support first. You can seek support and guidance from addiction professionals by calling a treatment center, or attending Al-Anon meetings so that people with experience can help you determine the severity of your loved one’s condition and what options you may have to help your loved one help themself. It is not wise to confront your loved one without the proper tools, especially if they are under the influence. You don’t have to enable their behavior, but discretion is advised when considering taking action to help an alcoholic or addict. Camelback Recovery is available to speak with concerned loved ones at any time.